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I've played Mafia Wars for more than a month and became addicted to it. For those who didn't know, Mafia Wars is a famous game from Facebook application, where you can create your own mafia and aim to be the biggest mafia in Facebook.

Okay I'll put this straight. For almost every online game, there will(or maybe) be at least a person that will try to create a bot to make life easier. What is a bot, you asked? Well, simply put, just as the name says, it's a program that makes you lazy.... errr it's not like that. The purpose of the bot is to make the game autoplayer, which means that even if you're not in front of your pc, the program will control the character based on what you wan them to do. This was from my experience with Ragnarok online, korean MMORPG that I played during high school(sniper at lvl 88). So as usual I googled up on the net and what I found..... the bot for Mafia Wars!!! The program called Facebook Mafia Wars Autoplayer (for direct download, click here), and with this, you can calculate efficient job, auto job, auto rob, auto buy properties, auto heal, bla3. Try it for yourself, it's good!! Credit goes to the developer(thanks). Oh and you need Greasemonkey (it's an application for Firefox) to make it work. How to install this application?
  1. First, download Firefox(I guess everyone use Firefox nowadays) and install Greasemonkey.
  2. Next, go to Facebook Mafia Wars Autoplayer and download the application(its on the top)
  3. Restart your firefox.
  4. Open Mafia Wars and walla, there you have it. Mafia Wars Autoplayer !! You need to click the pause button(its on the top) to make it run. But before that, make sure to set your bot(by clicking autoplayer settings)
  5. Sometime the bot will get stuck(I didn't know why but it does), so the only thing you can do is to refresh the page again, or.... install this application(ReloadEvery). You can set the page to refresh in any interval time, so if the bot get stuck again, the page will be refreshed automatically. Easy right? But I can do nothing if you get error message, unless you go back.
For those who had problem with the bot(auto fight not running etc...) make sure to uninstall the greasemonkey script and then install it back. This is another page that really helps if you want to send a lot of item(if you want to achieve "Spreading it around" achievement) which is called Mafia Wars Bookmarklet. It's easy to run these actually. How to use this bookmarklet?
  1. First you need to bookmark the link(by right clicking it and set it to bookmark)
  2. Go to Gifting page and then click MafiaGift bookmark(It wouldn't run unless at Gifting page). It will link you up to the another Mafia Wars Gift page.
  3. Make sure you have the id of people that you want to send the item to(you can get this from that person profile ID number. Look at my link below. For example my profile ID(Lini Lorilei) would be 603358767)
  4. Click generate button. It will create a secret key for your Mafia Wars.
  5. Click any item that you want to send. IF you click mouse middle button it will open up in another window(I prefer middle click so I can send different item in one time)
  6. If you get "Mysterious Occured" message, make sure to generate your ID again and try it again.
The trick to achieve "Spreading it around" achievement is that you send all the rubbish(weapons that you didn't use, well if you're at higher level you'll know which one) to any of your friend(well who need rubbish anyway?) and easily get the award. And you can also use the Attackx bookmarklet if you have your own punching bag(inactive player who are at lower level). I use my friend account as my punching bag :) (gomen Tasha). But I prefer to use my bot rather than this. If you played Mafia Wars, you should notice there are some player with 501 members right? But in real life, you wouldn't have 501 friends playing Mafia Wars right? So the trick here is to add other player who are playing Mafia Wars too. Look for Mafia Wars Members at Facebook and you'll see a lot of MW Recruitment Center there. Add all of them or post your request there. Your mafia members number will be goin up like crazy(right now I have about 1000 members). How to make it easy to add friend?
  1. Make sure to find 2 or 3 group of MW Recruitment Center in Facebook(it depends on you).
  2. Join the group(so you can post on the wall there)
  3. You just need to post Join My Mafia message or anything. I don't mind how you want to write there.
  4. Remember that if you randomly add friend like crazy, you'll end up getting pink slipped by Facebook. So the trick here is let them to add you instead. You don't need to do the work. How to make it easier to add friend? If you send post at the group, there will be definetely people who want to add you as friend. So, use Facebook Auto Accept Request (this will require Greasemonkey too) and you can automatically accept friend if you reload the Facebook request page. Remember about ReloadEvery Firefox application that I mentioned before? You can use this to automatically refresh the page and automatically accept friend(open this page in new tab/window and set it to auto refresh).
  5. Make sure to send post at the group every 5 minutes(it's up to you). It would be better if you can find auto post message application(I can't find this on internet)
  6. The last thing that you need to do is to accept friend in Mafia Wars(If possible do not add them, let they add you instead. There is a limit on how many people you can add in one day). You can get more than 100 members in just 1 hour(or less).
And here is the guide for noobies for Mafia Wars 2. using the guide from this page, I managed to get level 100 in only 4 days(lvl 350 in 3 weeks)!!! A very nice guide for those who wanted to start playing Mafia Wars again(like me)... Tips for Mafia Wars
  1. Wondering which job is the best? The answer is Fearless. Why? You can do job with no energy :) (if you get promoted as Wheelman)
  2. Try to get as many member as you can early game. Why? You can make your Mafia stronger, can buy more Mafia's Mike, avoid getting attacked bla3(no need explanation i guess?)
  3. Where do you need to spend your point? Put all of them to energy(and a little to your stamina, about 10% of your energy) Why? People will not attack you if you have 501 members, and you can pick your opponent to attack(punching bag?), plus you can always heal yourself at hospital, so why you need to spend your point on these in early game? If you're at Boss level, you can do job and get 2x experience. The total average exp for fighting is about 2~2.5x experience, so the best is to spend all the point for energy. Plus you get more bonus from Energy pack if you have more energy.
  4. It's hard to get special loot item right? Create another account instead. This character will look the loot for you. And you can promote your own character.
  5. You can get the special item if you finish all the job in the tier(up to level 3) even if you skip the lower tier. The best item you can get is Underboss(Private Island - 5% bonus exp) and Boss item(Golden Throne - regen 2 energy instead). Try to get this early in the game.
  6. If you want to go and fight, fight at Cuba instead. You can get Cuban peso and start your business early game. You'll need a lot of money when doing job at Cuba(especially when buying item for the job).
  7. Try to achieve as many achievement as you can. You can ask any help from your member to get the achievement early(trading item, etc). And don't hesitate to ask me for any item. I might help... well sometimes I'm AFK so it can't be helped....
  8. Use Energy Pack wisely. Try to use it as fast as you can, especially after leveling up. Try to bookmark your member with least and most job done(you can promote your member easily if you use bot). When you use energy pack,, set your least job done member as your Mastermind so you can do more job(less exp = more job = no waste on energy) and try not to forget to change your Mastermind again after leveling up.
  9. Have a lot of energy to spend before leveling up? Go and fight boss instead.
  10. Don't forget to equip every member with best weapon, armor and vehicle.
  11. Save your money in bank. Don't let other people rob them(especially when at Cuba).
  12. Sell any item that you don't use. There's upkeep in NY and bribery in Cuba. Don't let your money go just like that.
  13. Don't waste your Godfather point for stupid things(crate, well unless you want the achievement.. Save your godfather point and buy 3 crate instead of 1 crate) Instead, use your Godfather point for skill points.
  14. You don't need to join any family(you can see some player with extension in their name if you have 501 mafia members right? Well its up to you to decide. You wouldn't need to waste your Godfather point just to change your name. Well actually it's not bad joining family as they provide protection(usually people will try and avoid family, especially at fight and hitlist) and you can always ask from them. And usually there's a lot of high level player in family.
  15. Don't just attack same person multiple time, don't rob other people properties and don't put other people in hitlist. Ask help from your mafia with higher level and let them handle it. They'll gonna pissed off for sure.
  16. Add all of them to your friend list. You can get 2~x exp with both Mastermind and Wheelman.
  17. Want to run 2 bot at the same time? Use Microsoft Virtual PC. Okay let's skip this, I think Adam's way is better than using Microsoft Virtual PC(actually I use another computer, plus VMware) Run As: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe -p -no-remote Then make as many profiles as you want besides the default one. Reload Greasemonkey into each instance, and re-intall Mafia Autoplay User Script into each instance... You can go here for the reference how to create multiple Firefox Instances.
**coz I've already stop playing mafia wars pls don't add me tq


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