What is NewFolder.exe virus?
New Folder.exe virus disables task manager, disables registry editor, disables folder options, and disables run option from start menu. Virus creates exe files like the icon of folders with the same name as the name of the folder, it also consumes more than 50 % of your processor usage so slows down your computer.
Let’s see how we can remove this virus without formatting the drive.
In order to remove the newfolder.exe virus you can use two types of tools, again there is a manual procedure also but the tools mentioned below are much better:
Tools to remove Newfolder.exe virus
1. Newfolder virus removal tool by Muhammad Abdullah. Download it from here2. Newfolder Virus removal tool by Albin. Download it from here
Both of these are executable files, download any one of them and run the file by double-clicking on it, it will clean the virus.
Manual Method:
You need delete a file named svichossst.exe where ever you find this file on your system
Remove the following keys from registry
“Yahoo Messengger”=
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]We hope at least one of the above method given above will help you fix the
“Shell”=”Explorer.exe “
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