previously I was able to fix the Hard disk drivers problem but now i get this STOP 0x0000008e when trying to do a system restore
I've seen this error a couple of times, with as many causes. The first one was caused by a third party app changing the Msgina.dll to one of it's own. If this is the case, you'll find it in your registry.
Start>run. Type in regedit. Navigate to....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Click on the winlogon folder and look for a GinaDLL REG_SZ value. If there is a value that is anything other than "Msgina.dll, then you can delete it. If you don't find any entry, it is using the MS default.
The other cause was from a MS hotfix. I don't remember the number now, but if you have recently installed any updates.......uninstall them.
Here is some other info that may help......
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